Would you be surprised to hear that your home improvement jobs will bring mistakes? I didn't think so, well here are a few tips to help you minimize those mistakes.
1. Don't slack on prep work - Every project has an element of prep work. New doors, painting, replacing a faucet, installing door knobs, whatever the project, neglecting to do it will undoubtedly result in lengthened project time and frustration. Having forethought will guarantee a professional-looking result. Knowing what you are in for will enable you to maintain your sanity when the going gets tough.
2. Biting off more than you can chew - You hate your bathroom and can't take it anymore? Want to take a sledge hammer to it right now? Hold on...while it might make you feel better, tackling too much at once is a common mistake with major consequences. Be realistic, you can't have a new bathroom in one day (no matter what you see on HGTV!). Assess what you really need or want done first and start there. Take things one step at a time and surrender the process. Ask yourself if you need a friend to help, need a pro for the trickier things or if you actually have the time? Don't set yourself up for failure by not allocating enough time and resources.
3. Improvisation - This can be useful in many situations and it shows you have creativity but there is a difference between improvisation and carelessness. If you find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, always err on the side of caution. It might take longer to finish the task but better to do it correctly the first time then doing it again later.
4. Refusing to ask for help - Okay this might be more for the men out there but don't be fooled into thinking you have to complete a job by yourself. While certain projects only require one person, working with someone else is more fun and sometimes educating! It's less embarrassing to ask a friend to help than to have to call a professional later to fix your mishap.
5. Letting bad attitudes take root - Knowing what lies ahead and being prepared is 95% of the battle and if you have followed the first four steps, you are ready to go. Hit a road block? Take a break, sleep on it, or call a friend. Don't let your dissatisfaction ruin all of your planning or your negativity stop you from completing your project.
Home improvements can either be the most frustrating or the most exhilarating. Plan ahead and make your project the envy of the neighborhood or if you haven't been happy with your past improvements, rethink your old ways or habits. Being prepared, informed and holding fast to a sunny disposition are crucial to getting that job done right the first time!