This is my guide to how to play as an endgame Demonology warlock using the metamorphosis spec. This spec is not the top DPS warlock spec but it gives 10% of your spell power as a buff to the raid. This will be greater than 400 SP for a toc25 geared warlock. Enjoy, thank you to my subscribers :) Talent Spec: The macro below is mentioned in the video. It pops demonic empowerment and any use trinkets you have. Replace 'Shadow Bolt' with any spell you want to cast. You can also choose whether or not you want the metamorphosis transformation in it as well. The rest of the macro removes error messages and sounds. #showtooltip Shadow Bolt /console sound_enablesfx 0 /petattack /use 13 /use 14 /cast [pet:Felguard] [pet:imp] Demonic Empowerment /cast Metamorphosis /script uierrorsframe:Clear() /console sound_enablesfx 1 /cast Shadow Bolt
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